Pomegranate Flowering Bonsai Trees For Sale

Pomegranate Flowering Bonsai Trees For Sale

Bright red flowers, small leaves, and tight growth make Pomegranates a great choice for bonsai. Here is a peek at the pomegranate flowering bonsai trees for sale here at All Things Bonsai with free UK delivery.

How to grow pomegranate bonsai trees

The Pomegranate flowering bonsai trees for sale grow best outdoors. They benefit from protection in winter, as they don’t like our wet British winters. A cold greenhouse or conservatory is perfect for this. Although they are sun-loving trees, a little shade in summer is recommended for smaller bonsai.


Site outdoors in full sun.  Perhaps partial shade in summer. The roots of Pomegranates can suffer in our wet winters, so protection from rain helps keep the tree healthy at this time of year.

Can also be kept indoors, in a bright sunny location away from sources of heat such as radiators. This is not as good as keeping it outdoors. The tree is deciduous. Keeping it indoors affects its natural cycle. It does however grow also grow in warm climates, where is stays evergreen.

We recommend: Keeping the tree outdoors during warmer weather and moving it indoors in autumn. Conservatories, well lit porches and greenhouses are excellent for winter. The Pomegranate is a sun loving plant, so do give them plenty of direct natural light.


Aim to keep the soil evenly moist, like a damp cloth feels during winter. Water daily during growing season in hot weather. The tree does not like to be constantly soaking wet in winter which can be tricky in the UK.


Trim new shoots back to two sets of leaves during growing season.  Flowers grow at the end of the shoots, so you will get more flowers if you leave some of the less vigorous shoots to grow during summer.

Flowers swell to become fruit over the course of the summer. It is a good idea to thin out the fruit over the year, as the tree will spend energy growing them. Leave a couple on if you wish for effect, then trim off the remaining Pomegranates in the autumn.


Watch out for greenfly, whitefly & blackfly. Aphids of various kinds love feasting on the new shoots. Keep an eye out for them and spray with an insecticide such as Provardo or use natural treatments aimed to combating sap sucking insects.

Pomegranates are vigorous trees and can be maintained simply by pruning. They can also be wired if you choose to.


Repot every couple of years.

Further Information

For further bonsai information, have a look at the bonsai tree care pages of our website. We also working to produce other bonsai tree species guides here.

Please also have a look at our Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/AllThingsBonsaiSheffield

Further information on growing Pomegranates in the UK can be found at Gardeners World: https://www.gardenersworld.com/how-to/grow-plants/how-to-grow-pomegranate-tree/

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