Pyracantha Flowering Bonsai Tree Small
Flowers in spring and develops berries in autumn. Position in full sun or partial shade. Pyracantha are tough, hardy trees but will benefit from winter protection.
The bonsai you will receive will have a total height (tree & pot) of approximately 37cm.
Please note that the tree pictured is a representative of the one which will be dispatched.
If you have any questions or would like any help or advice please contact us by clicking here.
Price includes postage & packing excluding Highlands and islands. For further details and to view our terms and conditions please click here.
Pyracantha Bonsai Tree Care
Outdoor only bonsai tree. Cannot be kept in the home.
Site in full sun or partial shade.
Pyracantha grown in the ground are generally very hardy. It may be advisable to protect Pyracantha grown in shallow bonsai pots from prolonged periods of freezing weather, as the roots are in stasis when frozen and the tree will suffer from dehydration as the foliage dries out.
Water daily in hot weather. Keep the soil moist at other times. As with all bonsai trees, when you water please give them plenty and keep watering until water comes out of the holes in the bottom of the pot.
Trim back new shoots to one or two set of leaves throughout the growing season (spring to autumn)
Large leaves can be removed by snipping them off at the stalk. This will help to keep the tree in scale.
Pyracantha flower in spring. Remove most of the flowers when they start to fade. If you leave some of the flowers, they will produce berries throughout the summer. The berries will ripen towards the end of summer and will fall off the tree in autumn. You can remove the remaining berries at this time.
Feed every two weeks from spring to autumn, using a mild fertiliser at around NPK 555.
Repot every two years using a general bonsai soil mix.
Pests and Diseases
Does not tend to suffer from pests. It can however get leaf spots of various kinds, including Black Spot, so a preventative spray with fungicide is a wise idea every couple of months during the growing season.