Thread graft on a part trained hawthorn bonsai tree

Thread graft on a part trained Hawthorn bonsai tree


Had a power cut earlier today which gave me a great opportunity to work on some of the raw material we have in the shop.

Collected this large Hawthorn a couple of years ago. The truck is a little too straight and there has been no sign of a branch budding where I wanted one, part way up the trunk on the right side.

I started carving the shari into the trunk earlier this year. The tree responded by putting out three new shoots right at the base of the trunk.

I have drilled a hole through and inserted one of the new shoots, followed by sealing the hole with some cut-paste to prevent the wound from drying out.

Wonder if it will take? we’ll know once the shoot emerging from the hole is thicker that the point were it enters the hole….

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